Passivhaus Affiliate

Passivhaus Social Housing New build: On-demand

Date: On-demand Time: 2 hours 45 minutes
Location: Online Cost: Free for LA/HAs, PHT members: £25 +VAT, Non-members: £35 + VAT

Passivhaus Social Housing: On-demand


The cost of living crisis and concerns about energy security have sharpened the focus on the pressing issue of fuel poverty. We are calling all Local Authorities & Housing Associations seeking solutions to protect their most vulnerable from energy price hikes, damp & mould. This introductory-level event is a must-attend for you!

Discover the life-changing reasons why so many local councils are adopting Passivhaus, and how they deliver high standards at scale. Explore crucial delivery questions around procurement and rising materials costs. We will be sharing examples and inspiration from large-scale housing developments, demonstrating the art of the possible. 

This on-demand recording is FREE for social housing providers. Is your council building to Passivhaus Standards yet? Watch on-demand now to take further steps on your Passivhaus journey!

January 2023




14:10 - 14:55

Why choose Passivhaus?

  • The move towards net zero, energy demand, energy supply capacity - Sarah Lewis, Passivhaus Trust 

  • The benefits of living in a Passivhaus - occupant views - Chris Meadows, Hastoe Group

  • Why not just have a “nearly Passivhaus”? Passivhaus principles vs certification - Joel Callow, Beyond Carbon

14:55 - 15:30


15:30 - 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 - 16:45

How to deliver Passivhaus

  • The cost implications of early-stage design decisions - Clare Murray, Levitt Bernstein & Thomas Lefevre, Etude

  • Getting contractors on board, building up a supply chain - George Mikurcik, Architype & Iain Clark, Collida

  • Case studies - Hounslow Council Masterplan - Ashmi Thapar, Bell Phillips Architects

16:45 - 17:00




NB – programme TBC & subject to changes.



  • PHT members: £25 +VAT
  • Non-members: £35 + VAT
  • Social housing providers: Free*

*Please use your work email or your ticket may be cancelled.


Access the on-demand webinar via the online booking form.


Further Information

Passivhaus Social

Passivhaus benefits guide


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