Integrated Passivhaus Design and Delivery - UCL IEDE Webinar
Date: 26 January 2023 | Time: 13:00 - 14:00 |
Location: Online | Cost: Free, registration essential |
This event is the first of the UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering Webinar (IEDE) Integrated Building Design webinar series, with guest speaker Rebecca Robinson from Architype discussing, 'Integrated Passivhaus Design and Delivery'.
Rebecca is an Architect and Certified Passivhaus Designer at Architype, where she has worked for six years. She studied at at the Centre for Alternative technology in Wales and has a background in sustainability. Her current work includes leading on the design and delivery of Passivhaus schools and housing projects within the work of Architype. Notably, Rebecca was the Passivhaus Designer for the Bicester Eco Business Centre - the first Passivhaus Plus non-domestic building in the UK. She is passionate about the social benefits of Passivhaus and balancing the roles of Project Architect with the technical aspects of Passivhaus Designer on Architype’s award-winning buildings.
Free to attend, booking essential
Further Information
Passivhaus in practice on-demand