Passivhaus Affiliate

Next steps for schools estates in England

Date: 23 May 2023 Time: 09:00-13:00
Location: Online Cost: £260 +VAT

WEdF Next steps for schools estates

This online conference from the Westminster Education Forum will examine the next steps for school buildings and the education estate in England.

Delegates will review the implementation of the rebuilding programme so far and how lessons learned can inform further rollout, including effectively prioritising areas and schools with the greatest need, and accelerating the delivery of funding and refurbishment.

We are delighted PHT members, Jonathan Hines - Architype, and Harry Paticas - RAFT, are included in the speaker line-up to discuss Passivhaus schools.



  • the School Rebuilding Programme: progress and next steps
  • implementation: prioritising new projects - accelerating delivery - building standards - working with local partners - mitigating risk
  • building safety: priorities for improvement and monitoring
  • energy consumption: supporting schools to measure, manage and reduce their carbon footprint
  • decarbonising existing schools: climate action plans - education opportunities - decarbonisation solutions - sustainable procurement - improving climate resilience
  • green spaces: developing nature-based classrooms - provision of outdoor spaces 
  • net zero schools: design and construction - reducing energy use - integrating sustainable systems - planning for future challenges - sustainable procurement and land use - providing green spaces


  • £260 +VAT


To register, please use the online booking form.

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