Passivhaus Affiliate

GHA webinar: Homes that are low energy and perform as designed

Date: 4 July 2023 Time: 12:00-13:30
Location: Online Cost: PHT Members: £20, Non-members: £30

For any queries, please contact the Good Homes Alliance events team:

What makes a good home?

Leading architects, designers and placemakers from within the Good Home Alliance (GHA) membership will answer this question by sharing their expertise at a new lunchtime webinar series called "How to Design Good Homes". Find out more from the experts and hear top tips and lessons learned from the latest case studies on:

  • Net zero and Passivhaus design
  • Low carbon design and materials
  • New build and retrofit residential projects
  • Healthy homes and placemaking
  • Ensuring building performance and quality


Session 2 of 2: Homes that are low energy and perform as designed

Date and time: Tuesday 4 July 2023 at 12:00-13:30

The second online session of the How to Design Good Homes webinar series will be about low-energy homes that perform as designed. There will be case studies about:

  • Passivhaus and AECB standard affordable housing case studies – T2 Architects
  • Lessons learned from the Nottingham City Homes 2050 Energiesprong project – Studio Partington
  • The imporant of building performance evaluation (BPE) – Hoare Lea
  • ‘Designed to Perform’ and BPE case studies – Tom Dollard (Pollard Thomas Edwards)


PHT members are eligible for a discount as a partner of GHA. Partner organisations include: AECB, Passivhaus Trust, SuperHomes, STBA, TCPA, The Green Register, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products, UKIEG, Woodknowledge Wales.

GHA members can attend all sessions for free.

This event can be purchased individually and as part of the How to Design Good Homes webinar series which is available for purchase as a whole.


Single webinar session

Whole webinar series

GHA member



PHT member





£45 (Buy 1 get 1 half-price)


To register, please use the online booking form.

For any queries, please contact the Good Homes Alliance events team:

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