LAST CHANCE to respond to Scottish Passivhaus Equivalent consultation
Date: 22 October 2024 | Time: 13.00 - 14.00 |
Location: ONLINE | Cost: FREE |
LAST CHANCE to respond live to the Scottish Passivhaus equivalent consultation before the deadline, with a lunchtime webinar offering detailed step-by-step guidance from the Passivhaus Trust team.
Introducing a Passivhaus equivalent would put Scotland on a global stage for climate leadership, help alleviate fuel poverty, and improve energy security in Scotland. The policy is currently out for consultation and there are concerns that what is being proposed could fall significantly short of the intended aspirations.
The deadline for consultation responses is Wednesday 23 October 2024.
The Passivhaus Trust is calling on individuals and organisations to respond to the consultation before the deadline and help guide the Scottish Government toward making the right choices.