Passivhaus Affiliate

Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson Course

Date: 21st January 2013, Exam 26th January Time:
Location: Edinburgh Cost: £575 for non-members; 10% discount for PHT members

From the outside, Passivhaus buildings are no different from conventional buildings, because the term 'Passivhaus' refers to a standard and not a certain construction method. Good planning and careful implementation of details are decisive factors in the construction of Passivhaus- the world’s leading standard in low‐energy, sustainable construction.

The aim of this training for the 'Certified Passive House Tradesperson' certificate is to convey an overall impression of the interdisciplinary Passivhaus concept to tradesmen involved in the construction industry.


1.0       Passive House – Interdisciplinary principles

Passivhaus Definition, Passivhaus Criteria, The 5 pillars of the Passivhaus principles, Ecology and comfort, PHPP and other planning principles, Economic efficiency, Construction process and quality assurance, User information and user support, Basic principles: Thermal insulation in the Passivhaus, Basic principles: thermal bridge free construction, Basic principles: Passivhaus windows, Airtightness (includes demonstration), Basic principles: Ventilation, Basic principles: Heat supply.

2.0       Specialisation according to discipline – Building Envelope

Thermal insulation in Passivhaus, Thermal bridge free construction, Windows and other transparent exterior components, Summer comfort, Refurbishment of existing buildings using Passivhaus components.

Trainer Profiles:        Darren O’Gorman Target Zero & Steff Bell Future Komfort

Trainee Profile:          Experienced qualified tradepersons working in the construction industry.

Duration:                      4 days

Course Fee:                 £575p.p. 

Location & Dates:       Edinburgh; Building Envelope Course - January 21st

Exam Dates:                26th January 2013; 9.00am to 11.30am


Course Participants will be given the option to sit the exam for international accreditation as “Certified Passive House Tradesperson – Envelope Specialist”. The fee for this is £150 which covers exam marking & 5 year certification from the Passivhaus Institut. Examinations are hosted by Target Zero.



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