Passivhaus Affiliate

Ventilation in Passivhaus and low carbon buildings

Date: 6th February 2013 Time: Morning
Location: Bidwells, Bidwell House, Cambridge, CB2 9LD Cost: Free to Eligible SMEs

This seminar focuses on the technologies and processes involved in the design, delivery and maintenance of mechanical and natural ventilation systems in Passivhaus and low carbon buildings. Providing an insight into:

  • How ventilation requirements are determined, including approaches and design
  • The application of ventilation products and systems (including mixed-mode ventilation)
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Health and safety issues e.g. overheating

Using the UEA's Exemplar Low Carbon Building as a case study, this seminar provides examples of how these issues are being addressed in a unique and innovative regional project.

Speakers include James Hepburn from BDP and Arturas Ruikis from Airflow.

Booking information:

Click here.

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