Passivhaus Affiliate

An Architects Perspective of Retrofit with ECD Architects (Supply Chain Sustainability School)

Date: 05 March 2025 Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Location: Online Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

Retrofit in Scotland's Tenements and Flats (Supply chain sustainability school)

Retrofit brings together professionals from many different trades, with architects and designers playing a key role. This webinar will bring expertise from Loreana Padron, Associate Director & Head of Sustainability from PHT member ECD Architects and will bring about learning with a detailed case study of a highly successful retrofit, Wilmcote House.

Join this webinar to understand how intended design led to high standard performance and learn about pre- and post-occupancy evaluation on a retrofit project.



This event is free to attend, but booking is essential.



Tickets can be booked via the online booking form.

If you have any queries, please contact: Supply Chain Sustainability School


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Further information

An Architects Perspective of Retrofit with ECD Architects

Passivhaus Retrofit campaign

Passivhaus retrofit case studies

Passivhaus on-demand training

Passivhaus & embodied carbon

Passivhaus Benefits Guide

Passivhaus Social

Wilmcote House case study

Wilmcote House: a new model for tackling estate refurbishment & fuel poverty.

Wilmcote House case study video

Previous PHT story: Progress being made at Wilmcote House EuroPHit project – 28 April 2015

Previous PHT story - Wilmcote House retrofit due to start onsite in January - 28th November 2013

Achieving EnerPHit at scale: Case study of Wilmcote House tower block refurbishment

Refurbishing a council block to Passivhaus standards

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