Passivhaus Affiliate

LED lighting and heating for Passivhaus and low carbon buildings

Date: 26 June 2013 Time: 9:15 - 13:30
Location: Bidwell's office, Saxon House, Chelmsford Cost: FREE to SMEs across the East of England

This event is a part of the Centre for the Built Environment's series of CPD accredited seminars, webinars and workshops showcasing the design, build and post-occupancy of the Norwich Research Park Enterprise Centre.

When energy consumption is reduced to the Passivhaus standard, what are the options for heating and renewable energy?

  • LED lighting is fast becoming an option for designers as costs fall, but what are the advantages and pitfalls?
  • Are costs still prohibitive or can simpler lighting strategies produce a more competitive cost option?
  • Can there be savings on renewable technology if a fabric first approach is adopted?

Colin Ball, Lighting Associate from BDP will present on the various options for a Lighting Strategy that can utilise LED technology and reduce energy demand. 

Ron Beattie, Managing Director of Beattie Passive will present on the application of heating systems in Passivhaus and low carbon buildings. Beattie Passive have been awarded certification for their continually insulated building system from the Passivhaus Institute in Germany.  


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