Passivhaus Affiliate

MASTERCLASS: Passivhaus Retrofit

Date: 24th September 2013 Time: Morning session 11.00 - 13.00; Masterclass 14.00 - 17.30
Location: Saint Gobain Innovation Centre, 95 Great Portland Street London W1W 9NY Cost: Morning session: £50 + VAT; Masterclass: Non-members £180 + VAT; PHT members £120 + VAT

Passivhaus has a specific standard for retrofit projects – EnerPHit – which supports the achievement of Passivhaus within the restrictions of an existing building form. However, this is still a difficult standard to achieve and doing so requires a detailed understanding of a building physics, particularly in terms of moisture and thermal bridging, as well needing specific solutions for difficult areas such as window reveals and floor/ wall junctions.

This workshop is limited to around 20 participants and led by Bob Prewett of Prewett Bizley Architects and Bill Butcher of Green Building store, two of the UK’s foremost experts on Passivhaus retrofit projects, focuses on what to look out for when designing, specifying, building and commissioning EnerPHit projects. The session will include examination of several practical projects and discussion of practical design applications and will primarily focus on residential projects, although many of the lessons are transferable to a non-domestic building.

Why attend?

The workshop aims to address the following FAQ’s:

  1. When EnerPHit is appropriate and when it is not?
  2. Is it cost effective and can you just go part of the way?
  3. Are there common design problems/challenges to watch out for?
  4. How to achieve air tightness?
  5. How does one ensure the ventilation system will fit?
  6. Are there any rules of thumb for useful user operation?

Who should attend?

Architects, engineers, planners, building control officers, energy managers, builders, housing associations, researchers and others who want to learn more about how to deliver real low energy buildings.

The introductory session in the morning is aimed as a refresher for those who know Passivhaus but haven’t undertaken a retrofit project, or vice versa.

The Masterclass is aimed at practitioners who already have some knowledge of Passivhaus, either by undertaking a Passivhaus project or by completing the Passivhaus designer (CEPH) or installer course or both. 


Intro pre-session for less advanced delegates. £50 + VAT

11:00 – 12:30: Part 0: Building physics for refurbishment projects

Examining key areas e.g. windows, form factor, thermal bridges

How EnerPHit relates to Passivhaus and other retrofit standards

12:30 - 13:00: Questions and discussion part 0


Masterclass for everyone. £120 +VAT for members, £180 +VAT for non-members


Welcome- Introductions for speakers & delegates


Part 1: What we know and what we don’t know - how far to push?


Part 2: Avoiding risks – the importance of material specification and very fine grain design


Design exercise


Questions and discussion 


Coffee break


Part 2: Maintaining quality on site – some common problems


Questions and discussion- Part 2


Part 3: Some thoughts on cost and value


Questions and discussion- Part 3 & any other questions or issues


Final survey & Close

How to book

Contact Roger Southcott at

Please include name, contact details, organisation name along with details of the following:

1. Current knowledge level/background of the workshop topic?

2. Any specific issues/knowledge/questions you would like us to cover in the workshop?


Hosted by:

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