Passivhaus Affiliate

Designing and Delivery Passivhaus and Low Carbon Buildings 1

Date: Wednesday, 18th September 2013 Time: All Day
Location: Eco Innovation Centre, Peterscourt, Peterborough Cost: FREE

What is considered a low carbon building and does passivhaus provide a clear way forward? Using the UEA's Low Carbon Exemplar Building as an example of how low carbon thinking has evolved from reducing operational energy towards the passivhaus standard to considering the impact of materials and embodied energy this seminar explores the reasoning behind the brief and the designer team's response.

Presenters will include either Ben Humphries (Associate Director) or Gareth Selby (Architect and Passivhaus specialist) from Architype. Architype are part of the Morgan Sindall team, who are leading the design for the Exemplar Low Carbon Building which is targeting BREEAM Excellent and Passivhaus certification as well achieving a carbon sink for the lifetime of the building. Lunch and refreshments are provided.

Key topics:

  • Passivhaus concept
  • BREEAM standards
  • M & E for low carbon and Passivhaus buildings

Booking online

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