Passivhaus Affiliate

Timber Expo

Date: 24th and 25th September 2013 Time:
Location: NEC Birmingham Cost: FREE

Timber Expo is to be held over two days at the NEC with exhibitors and speakers including Passivhaus members  John Williamson of JPW Construction, Janet Cotterall of Passivhaus Homes Ltd and Jonathan Hines of Architype.

The times for their talks are currently programmed as follows (please check the website for any updates) :

Janet Cotterall – “PassivHaus Award 2013 Winner (Private housing): Totnes Passivhaus” (Wednesday 25th September at 10:00 - 10:25 in Solidwood Theatre)

John Williamson – “PassivHaus Award 2013 Winner (Non-domestic): Canolfan Hyddgen” (Wednesday 25th September at 10:25 - 10:50 in Solidwood Theatre)

Jonathan Hines – “Standardised PassivHaus school design” (Wednesday 25th September at 12:00 - 12:25 in Fabric First Theatre)

Register online 

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