Passivhaus Affiliate

CoRE Retrofit Masterclasses: Ventilation

Date: 28 November 2013 Time: 10.00 - 16.00
Location: Centre of Refurbishment Excellence, Normacot Road ST3 Stoke-on-Trent Cost: PHT members £148.07 + VAT, non members £156 + VAT

CoRE fellows Ian Orme BRSIA and Peter Rickaby of Rickaby Thompson Associates bring you a full day masterclass of the subject of retrofit ventilation. Topics covered include the role of ventilation in retrofit, measurement and testing, strategic options and constraints, ventilation system options, issues lessons learned and emerging techniques for the future

Session 1: The essential role of ventilation in retrofit

  • The purpose of ventilation: pollutants, condensation, overheating
  • The ventilation imperative with improved insulation and airtightness

Session 2:  Measurements for ventilation: airtightness and IAQ

  • Fan pressurisation testing, relative humidity, CO2 concentration

Session 3 : Establishing a retrofit ventilation strategy: options and constraints

  • Improving fabric airtightness
  • Matching the fabric air permeability with the ventilation system

Session 4: Ventilation system options and their characteristics

  • Background, rapid and purge ventilation
  • System options: IEV, CEV, PSV, MEV, MVHR
  • Ventilation issues: user acceptability and control; maintenance

Session 5: Issues with MVHR in retrofit – lessons from Retrofit for the Future

  • Why MVHR is not the default system for retrofit
  • Points to watch with MVHR (see the RftF PCRs report)

Session 6: Emerging techniques: CEV and demand controlled ventilation

  • Continuous extract ventilation
  • The potential of demand controlled ventilation

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