Passivhaus Affiliate

Healthy Buildings, Healthy People

Date: 5 February 2014 Time: 17.30 - 20.00
Location: Cullinan Studio, 5 Baldwin Terrace, London, N1 7RU Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

ASBP will be building an evidence base around healthy buildings, healthy people during 2014. With leading clients such as Google demanding full declaration of content of all building products to be used in their offices in Kings Cross, focus is shifting to how products can assist with the health and well-being of occupants. There is however a need for more research in this area and we will be framing a call in the new year.  The toxicity of building materials can impact on everyone coming into contact with them; from extraction, in the factory, the builders on site, employees in an office, residents in homes, children in schools and patients in hospitals.

An informal evening with drinks and discussion, co-hosted with Cullinan Studio. Speakers include: 

  • Marcella Ucci, UCL and chair of UKIEG, supported by Health Protection Agency
  • Lynne Sullivan, sustainableBydesign
  • Derrick Crump, Cranfield Unversity

Free to ASBP guests. Rate tbc for other guests.


Limitied places available so booking is essential. Please contact: please.

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