Passivhaus Affiliate

Green Register, WUFI Pro Heat & Moisture Simulation Workshop

Date: 26 - 27 March 2014 Time: Two day course
Location: The Human Rights Action Centre, 17 - 25 New Inn Yard, EC2A 3EA Cost: £650 if booked before 13 February. £700 thereafter.

This two-day course provides a practical, hands-on introduction to WUFI® Pro ‘hygrothermal’ numerical simulation. It is simulation software for understanding the risk of interstitial condensation, mould, rot and freeze-thaw in buildings.

Both days of training include hands-on workshops using the software, plus a full version of the WUFI® Pro software with an 8-week temporary licence, and access to the WUFI® Forum for that period.

The software allows the realistic simulation of the hourly hygrothermal behaviour of multiple-layered wall and roof systems. It predicts how heat and moisture transfer through the building fabric and what effects can occur when the buildup is exposed to realistic external and internal climate conditions. These effects include:

  • Drying time of construction moisture
  • Possible condensation problems
  • Water absorption due to driving rain
  • Moister influence on thermal performance
  • Long term hygrothermal consequences of retrofit strategies
  • Predicted mould growth

Topics discussed will include the vocabulary and fundamentals of building physics, practical examples with WUFI® Pro, interpretation of results, the market context for the software in the UK, and a review of completed case studies. Attendees will learn how to input a wall or roof, its orientation and location, and run simulations on different configurations.

Training delivered by:

Joseph Little (BArch, MSc Arch. AEES)

Principal of Joseph Little Architects and Building Life Consultancy. The consultancy has recently held WUFI® hygrothermal training in Glasgow, Leeds and Dublin with Fraunhofer IBP and thermal bridge training in Dublin. Historic Scotland released ‘Technical Paper 15’ in Summer 2012 which is a significant report by Little, and colleague Calina Ferraro, on hygrothermal simulation and internal insulation retrofits in Scotland.

Christian Bludau (Dipl.-ing)

Researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, Department for Hygrothermics, in Germany since 2005. From 2011 he has held a lectureship for building physics / moisture control in building at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg. His research interests focus on the hygrothermal conditions in wall and roof constructions with special interests in the thermal behaviour of flat roofs. Christian has been involved in many WUFI® seminars, lessons and workshops during the last few years.

Who should attend?

The workshop is open to all building professionals, e.g. architects, engineers, surveyors, insulation suppliers, system manufacturers, builders and anyone with a focus on fabric performance. No previous experience with the WUFI® Pro software is required.


£650 if you book by 13 February 2014. £700 thereafter.

For further information:

The Green Register

A similar course will run the 28-29 March featuring WUFI®2D.

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