Passivhaus Affiliate

Site visit to timber framed Passivhaus dwellings in Martham, Norfolk

Date: 10 April 2014 Time: 9.30 - 12.00
Location: Martham, Norfolk Cost: Free to Centre of Built Environment business members

This is a unique opportunity to visit a set of domestic Passivhaus dwellings during the latter stages of its construction.  This tour provides an overview of a low carbon timber frame design. The dwellings are aiming to be Passivhaus certified.

This event will start at Martham Village Hall where there will be presentations from Beattie Passive Norse, Lead Developer on the design and build of the property and from representatives of the Centre for the Built Environment on Passivhaus.  Following the presentations the group will visit the site which will involve a short 10 minute walk.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) - boots, jacket and helmet - is required. 

This site visit is CPD accredited.  Refreshments will be provided.

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