Passivhaus Affiliate

Low Carbon Buildings: What About Health and Wellbeing?

Date: 18 June 2014 Time: One Day Conference
Location: Faculty of Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Cost:

The UK Indoor Environments Group (UKIEG) annual meeting is a conference and networking event for a multi-disciplinary audience of academics, policymakers and industry experts with an interest in improving indoor environments for health and wellbeing.

In a world dominated by debates on an energy insecure future, climate change and unstable economies, this Conference addresses research evidence and case studies on the trade-offs between indoor environmental quality, energy/carbon use and health/productivity.

Topics include:

  • Productivity, indoorenvironment, and spacerequirements;
  • The role of building design maintenance and occupant behaviour on:- Ventilation and indoor air quality- Transmission and control of infectious diseases.
  • Low carbon design: impacts on health and well being
  • Latest evidence and good practice on healthy housing.


The Conference will include a poster session and networking opportunities, and will conclude with a discussion session. The UKIEG AGM will take place during the lunch break.

A detailed conference programme is available here.



£65 for UKIEG members, and £100 for non-members



Register online here


Further information:

For further information contact:

UK Indoor Environments Group

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