Passivhaus Affiliate

Tutorial: DesignPH

Date: 16 June 2014 Time: Half day - with optional morning sketch up introduction for beginners
Location: Saint Gobain Innovation Centre, 95 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NY Cost: PHT members £150 + VAT, afternoon only £120 + VAT. Non members £200 + VAT, afternoon only £150 + VAT

Passivhaus Trust Tutorial


DesignPH is a sketch-up plug-in that has been developed by the Passivhaus Institute to provide a 3D modelling interface that works together with PHPP(Passive House Planning Package).

The sketch-up plug-in provides automatic analysis that can provide quick Passivhaus outputs which can be downloaded directly into PHPP using the 3D sketch-up model. This simplifies data entry into PHPP with a more visual & intuitive process, and provides preliminary feedback on the performance of the design within SketchUp. More information can be found on the official designPH website.

This tutorial, limited to around 20 participants and led by Dave Edwards, author of DesignPH software, will demonstrate the 3D plugin for PHPP. Participants will be shown how to upload projects as well as adjust and update detailed designs.

Dave Edwards at International PH Conference 2014

Who should attend?

Anybody with knowledge of Passivhaus and PHPP. Own laptop required.

Delegates must have a working copy of SketchUp and designPH installed and registered (including the latest patches from on their laptop before participating in the workshop. Anyone needing to check installations should come earlier to troubleshoot.

A discounted copy of designPH is available when you book onto this tutorial for £90Please state at the time of booking if you wish to take advantage of the offer; Delegates will be invoiced at the time of booking.

Delegates must have the latest version of PHPP 8.5 which can be purchased/upgraded here. 

Sketch-Up 2014 is not yet officially supported by designPH. Users with this version should arrive early as installations may need to be checked. We would recommend Sketch-Up 8 or 2013. Older versions can still be downloaded from:



Timings are approximate and the exact program may be subject to change.

Morning Session:

11:00 – 11:45      Troubleshooting Sketch-Up/designPH installations - Dave Edwards

11:45 – 13:00      Sketch-Up introduction - Dave Edwards

Afternoon Session:

13:00 – 13:30      Registration, tea and coffee

13:30 – 13:45      Welcome from the chair - Kym Mead

13:45 - 14:15:      Introduction to DesignPH - Dave Edwards

14:15 - 14:45:      Demonstration of the software – Uploading a project

14.45 – 15.00:     tea and coffee

15.00 - 16:30       Exercises:  Dave Edwards

Modelling a project in sketch-up

Transferring the project to PHPP

16:30 - 16:50:      Review of project and PHPP outputs Dave Edwards

16.50 – 17.15:     Adjusting and updating project

17.15 – 17.30:     Q&A and close



PHT members: £120 + VAT for afternoon session only. £150 + VAT  with morning sketch-up intro

Non-members: £150 + VAT  for afternoon session only. £200 + VAT  with morning sketch-up intro



To book please contact Roger Southcott:

Please clearly state if you would like to attend both morning & afternoon session, and if you would like to take advantage of the discounted designPH software offer.

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