Passivhaus Affiliate

It's All in the Detail: Achieving best practice detailing for Eco-refurbishments

Date: 24 September 2014 Time: 09.00 - 17.00
Location: Steelcase Solutions North West, Belvedere Building, Booth Street, Manchester, M2 4AW Cost: £135
Do you want to learn:
  • how to achieve stringent airtight standards in retrofits?

  • which is the best way of insulating an external wall - inside, outside or the bit in between?

  • how the design team and builders can effectively communicate to achieve best practice detailing?

  • what happens to moisture movement when adding wall or roof insulation?

Construction professionals (architects, surveyors and engineers) and builders sometimes have an uneasy relationship on site - each think they know best when it comes to detailing!

Achieving best practice for new buildings can be a straightforward process but when it comes to effective detailing for refurbishments - especially when aiming for well insulated, airtight and breathable solutions using low impact building materials - the outcome is sometimes less than satisfactory. This is due to many factors including existing conditions but more often than not it is a lack of communication between the architect/designer and the builder/contractor.

This cutting edge seminar offers delegates an opportunity to learn how to achieve best practice ‘green’ detailing on site from a wide range of experienced practitioners such as a builder, an architect and technical experts together with some academic research.

The presentations will include live demonstrations using full size construction mock ups to illustrate how to achieve very stringent airtightness standards and the installation of insulation and various membranes and will cover examples of difficult detailing such as at roof hips and valleys, dormers, window and door reveals.

There will also be videos of site practices that actually work, technical information on tried and tested building products and a presentation of research that compares internal, external and cavity wall insulation for retrofits and avoiding interstitial condensation.



09.00    Registration

09.30    Introduction - Lucy Pedler, The Green Register

09.40    Achieving airtightness & controlling moisture control - Stephen Gurney, Ecological Building Systems

10.40    The WUFI software program - Valentina Marincioni, Natural Building Technologies

11.20    Refreshments 

11.40    Natural insulation and moisture control - Andrew Mitchell, Natural Building Technologies

12.20    Breakout session – it’s all in the detail - Lucy Pedler, The Green Register 

13.00    Lunch

14.00    Best practice detailing from a builder's point of view: green detailing and practical insulation methods - Rafael Delimata, Bowtie Construction  

15.00    Best practice detailing from an architect's point of view: technical details, costs and value - Rafael Delimata, Bowtie Construction 

16.00    Refreshments

16.20    Plenary session with all speakers

16.45    Close

Please note timings and speakers may be subject to change


Rafael Delimata, Director, Bowtie Construction
Stephen Gurney, Ecological Building Systems
Valentina Marincioni, KTP Associate at UCL working with NBT
Andrew Mitchell, Natural Building Technologies
Lucy Pedler, Director, The Green Register


Green Register members - £99, Non-members - £135

SPECIAL OFFER - Book 3 places for the price of 2

Book 3 places at this event and get the 3rd place free. Book your places online as normal and the cost of the 3rd place will be deducted when the booking is received.

Click here to book


Further Information:

Green Register

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