Passivhaus Affiliate

Resource Efficiency - Doing More with Less

Date: 18 September 2014 Time: 14.30 - 17.30
Location: Room G22, Pearson Building, UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BP Cost: Free to eligible SMEs

This is the first of 2 events examining a life cycle approach to design and construction, looking at both the potential benefits of adopting this approach and the environmental impacts caused by construction products and materials.

The series is co-hosted by ASBP, London Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Resource, Wood for Good, PE International and The Bartlett, UCL.


14.30 Registration

15.00 Richard Hind and Oliver WiltonThe Bartlett, UCL

An introduction to Eco-design and its benefits.

15.20 Dr Densley TingleyUK Indemand

An introduction to UK Indemand - Reducing the quantities of new energy intensive materials being used in the built environment through strategic material use.

15.40 Jane AndersonPE International

An introduction to Environmental Product Declaration - EPD.

16.00 - 16.20 Refreshments

16.20 Break-out groups - What is the relevance of the Eco-design approach to your business

16.50 Veronica Kingsley, Interface

How life cycle analysis informed our product development.

17.10 Gary NewmanAlliance for Sustainable Building Products

Designing for Adaptation, Deconstruction and Re-use.

17.30 Close and networking


This event is free to attend for eligible SMEs. Booking in advance. Click here to book.

Further Information:

London SMEs are eligible for free training from UCL experts. Please see more information here.

For more information about The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP), visit their website.

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