Passivhaus Affiliate

2014 Spanish Passivhaus Conference - 6CEPH

Date: 20 - 21 November 2014 Time: 2 days event
Location: Congress Centre Prince Felipe, located in the Hotel Auditorium, Madrid Cost: €188+VAT


For the sixth consecutive year, after successes in previous years, the Passivhaus Building Platform - PEP through the Madrid Delegation organizes the  6th Spanish Conference Passivhaus - 6CEPH, an event that will take place next fall,  20 and 21 November 2014 in Madrid in order to promote the construction of Buildings Energy Consumption Almost Invalid and ultimately a more sustainable architecture.

If you are an architect, engineer, builder, developer, researcher, or occupant of housing built with the Passivhaus standard or interested in living one, you can not miss this great annual event.
See the Conference Program through Diptych # 6CEPH two days that  has organized three blocks aimed at various actors that make it possible to build  passive,emphasizing energy rehabilitation, adaptation to the Mediterranean climate  and feasibility of placing on the market.
Early bird registration ends October 31 2014. http://plataforma- Bulletin is available Registration and much more information about the annual conference of PEP.
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