MASTERCLASS: Design Optimisation
Date: 27 June 2018 | Time: 10:30 - 17:00 |
Location: Saint-Gobain Innovation Centre, 95 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NY | Cost: £150 for PHT members, £220 for non-members |

Nick Grant: Elemental Solutions
Sally Godber: WARM: Low Energy Building Practice
Sally and Nick are Passivhaus Designers with many years of experience working on all kinds of projects from tiny huts to the largest Passivhaus building in the UK. One thing that unites them is a common interest in optimisation and learning to do better. They will share their experience and propose new strategies, with the intention of enabling more thoughtful design.
“Design should be about evolution of ideas: what works, how we could improve, what the occupants loved, what we wouldn’t do again. This is a celebration of iteration and learning from the 20th project, not the first”
They will bring an awareness of the relationship between cost, energy performance and design freedom to get the best out of all three.
The session is wholly interactive and is aimed at anyone who has an interest in design of low energy buildings – expect to share your experiences as well as learn from other participants.
10.30 - 11.00:Registration & Coffee/Tea
11.00 - 11.05:PHT Introduction
11.05 - 11.50:Presentation 1a: Design Optimisation:
Why you should embrace it and not loathe it.
11.50 - 12.45:Presentation 1b: Case Studies:
Incremental improvements can lead down blind alleys, or lead to elegant solutions
12.45 - 13.00:Questions and discussion
13.00 - 13.45:Lunch
13:45 - 14.30:Presentation 2a: Optimising risk to reduce cost:
Pennies and pounds will look after themselves without being penny wise or pound foolish
14.30 - 15.00:Presentation 2b: Design tools and techniques:
Make your buildings work better and cost less to build
15.00 - 15.30:Exercise: Refine detail from real projects - can you improve on our best solutions so far?
15:30 - 15:45:Tea & coffee break
15.45 - 16.15:Presentation 3a: How to do pre-planning PHPP for free
16.15 - 16.40:Presentation 3b: Learning from our mistakes:
Why we all need to take responsibility for design decisions and why this is so difficult
16.40 - 17.00:Questions and discussion
17.00Close, followed by optional drinks at a local pub
Programme subject to changes.
To book your place, please contact Roger Southcott at
Further information
Radical simplicity in Passivhaus timber building
Passivhaus for the many not the few
Why we need radical efficiency, radical simplicity and radical sufficiency