Passivhaus Affiliate

Passivhaus & the road to zero carbon

Date: 13 November 2018 Time: 9.30 - 18.00
Location: Cloth Hall Court, Quebec St, Leeds, LS1 2HA Cost: PHT members £180, Non-members £225

Passivhaus and the road to zero carbon

With the frequency and severity of unexpected weather patterns increasing, climate change is one of the biggest threats we face today; We must reduce global CO2 emissions to zero to address this.  The built environment has a tremendous impact on global resources and produces more waste than any other industry.  In the UK, buildings in use account for 43% of CO2 emissions, providing a significant opportunity to make energy & carbon savings.

Those with a responsibility to deliver healthy and productive environments must exceed ‘business as usual’. The 2018 UK Passivhaus Conference, “Passivhaus & the road to zero carbon” aims to provide the industry with technical & policy insight into the technologies and techniques available now to implement and meet 2050 carbon targets.


Why Attend

Hear international & regional policy interpretations of zero carbon, examine keynote case studies with stellar building performance, and debate what role Passivhaus may play in delivering low carbon targets. This will include presentations and discussions on both the established and proven, as well as the pioneers and developmental.

Should radical energy efficiency always be prioritized, regardless of which approach we adopt to decarbonise energy generation? Is Passivhaus a step too far, and how do we pick up the pace to deliver solutions fast enough? Join us in Leeds on the 13th November to debate all this and more.



For the most up to date programme please visit the UK Passivhaus Conference website.


Get Involved

Only 8 exhibition spaces remain, so register your interest soon! Sponsorship opportunities are available. For further information please click here or contact:



Spaces are limited, and all tickets must be pre-booked online. For all ticket costs please check here.


Further Information#UKPHC18 2018 UK Passivhaus Conference hashtag Passivhaus and the road to zero carbon

UK Passivhaus Conference 2018


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