Passivhaus Affiliate

Pick and Mix: The best of Passivhaus

Date: 8 November 2018 Time: 14.00 - 16.30
Location: Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane, CM1 1SQ Cost: £65 - £92 +VAT

Pick and mix: the best of Passivhaus

Architects often view Passivhaus as expensive, restricting and compromising when it comes to architectural design, material selection and detailing. This seminar demonstrates how an architect-led, fully integrated approach will help you create healthier, more productive and more profitable environments for your clients.

Architects and lead designers are ideally placed to take on the role of Passivhaus consultant and to oversee and steer the integrated solutions needed to meet this challenging standard. Using case studies, monitoring data from completed projects, hear what worked and more importantly what didn’t.

This seminar will cover:

  • The Passivhaus standard: principles and approach based on built examples of both residential and commercial projects in the UK

  • The architect as Passivhaus designer: an architect-lead, integrated design approach

  • Key factors within the design and detailing: from the earliest stages through to completion

  • What can go wrong? challenges and potential pitfalls, UK legislation and health implications

  • Cost optimisation: deliver Passivhaus at standard costs and at the same time help create healthier, more productive and profitable environments

  • Procurements and contracts: different procurement routes, working with contractors, impacts from different forms of contract and airtightness training

  • Example Passivhaus projects: to demonstrate the flexibility and wide range of possible design solutions for different construction methods



Tomas Gartner, Gale & Snowden Architects: Tomas is a qualified architect and a director of Gale & Snowden Architects, a design led practice specialising in regenerative architecture and mechanical engineering. In 2010 he became one of the first certified Passivhaus designers in the UK and helped deliver the UK’s first multi-residential certified Passivhaus.

He has since been involved as an architect and Passivhaus designer with the delivery of more than 200 Passivhaus dwellings, offices and schools and currently works on the UK’s first Passivhaus public pool and leisure centre for Exeter City Council. Tomas is also a certified Building Biologist, and oversees their UK seminar programme on healthy building. He is a regular speaker at the UK Passivhaus conference and Ecobuild.



  • RIBA/CIAT members £65 + VAT

  • Non-RIBA members £92 + VAT

  • RIBA student members £15 + VAT



All tickets can be booked online

Any queries should be directed to 01223 ​ 

Terms & conditions:

  • Cancellations are acceptable in writing up to 10 working days of the event, please contact

  • for cancellation requests.

  • Substitutes are permitted at any time, please contact

  • for substitution requests.

  • The RIBA accepts no responsibility for the views or opinions expressed by speakers or any other person at the event.

  • A photographer may cover this event and the photographs may be used to publicise future RIBA events.

Further Information

Pick and mix: the best of Passivhaus

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