Sustainability Case Study - Wilmcote House Regeneration
Date: 14 May 2019 | Time: 18:00 - 20:30 |
Location: London, EC2A 2BH | Cost: £25 |
Wilmcote House is the largest project in the UK targeting the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard. The regeneration of Wilmcote House addressed resident issues of fuel poverty, reduced carbon emissions and improved the quality of life for residents.
Designed to the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard, the homes were super-insulated and extended, the walkways were enclosed, and new entrances (and homes) were provided to improve health and wellbeing.
Collaborating with the Universities of Southampton and LSE to measure the impact of the works on the residents and the actual performance of the building has provided a huge wealth of data which they hope will result in more retrofit projects in the future.
The presenter for this event is James Traynor, Managing Director of ECD Architects. He is a Certified Passivhaus Designer with over 15 years’ experience in low-energy design.
Register via the online booking form.
Location: ALUK Studio, 5-11 Worship Street, London EC2A 2BH