Passivhaus Affiliate

Open Greener House - Clifton House, Winchester

Date: 20 September 2019 Time: 11:00 - 16:00
Location: Domum Road, Winchester Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

Clifton House Passivhaus, Winchester | Architecture PLB

An opportunity to visit a certified Passivhaus in Winchester and talk to the owners about their experience of living there.

Certified in 2016, this house keeps energy use low with solar water heating and solar panels complementing the Passivhaus essentials of MVHR (mechanical ventilation with heat recovery), good insulation, and an air-tight membrane. The architects, Architecture PLB, worked closely with PHT member WARM who modelled the building and advised on the specification of the main building elements to reach the requisite U-values and avoid cold bridging.

The event is organised by Winchester Action on Climate Change. WinACC is dedicated to combating climate change and inspiring sustainable living. They work collaboratively with residents, businesses and policymakers to cut the carbon footprint of the Winchester District. 




This event is free to attend, but booking is essential. Tickets can be booked online.


Further information

Winchester Heritage Open Days

Winchester Action on Climate Change


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