Passivhaus Affiliate

Scotland Excel - Accelerating the delivery of affordable new homes

Date: 8 October 2019 Time: 9:30 - 16:00
Location: Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh City Centre Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

Accelerating the delivery of affordable new homes

This conference for local authorities and housing associations, marking the launch of Scotland Excel's new £1.5bn framework for new build residential housing in Scotland, will explore how to meet the Scottish Government’s commitment to building 50,000 affordable new homes by 2021.

The conference programme includes a presentation by PHT member Sarah Lewis of Hamson Barron Smith on how to deliver affordable Passivhaus homes.

With Passivhaus now accepted as a route to compliance by Glasgow City Council, and an increasing number of other councils across Scotland exploring the possibilities of the Standard, Passivhaus looks likely to be a significant part of the expected housing growth. Scotland Excel's new procurement framework makes it easy for contracting authorities to specify Passivhaus, and PHT Patron member Stewart & Shields is among the 19 suppliers who have been placed on the framework, after a robust two-stage restricted procurement process.



This event is free to attend, but booking is essential. Tickets can be booked online.


Further information

Scotland Excel



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