Passivhaus Affiliate

Webinar: PHribbon

Date: 26 May 2020 Time: 12.00 - 13.00
Location: Online Cost: Free, booking essential

If the nation is on a path to Zero Carbon then Passivhaus Designers might well become very busy. Could we do the same work faster without mistakes? Tim Martel, the writer of PHribbon says yes, and it can be easier, and we can include Embodied CO2 as well.

This seminar is primarily aimed at PHPP users, though you might also find it useful if you could use PHPP in the future or part of your team could. There’ll be a range of examples at a range of different levels, from simple data entry tools and windows to variants and Embodied CO2.


Free to attend, booking essential



REgister via the online booking form

Further Information

AECB webinar - PHribbon

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