Passivhaus Affiliate

Webinar - Passivhaus: A route to zero carbon

Date: 3 June 2020 Time: 11.00 - 12.00
Location: Online Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

Passivhaus: A route to zero carbon

Do not miss the chance to discover what net zero actually means in practice.  This free webinar will briefly introduce the Passivhaus standard before examining how close, or rather how far away, from net-zero our current buildings actually are.  Comparisons between Passivhaus & other standards illustrate what is possible to achieve. Delivered by the Trust's Research and Policy Director, John Palmer will also discuss the broader issues and constraints around grid‐decarbonisation which affect what we need to do in the built environment. Finally, the presentation will conclude by putting the 2050 challenge into context in terms of what we need to achieve with both our new‐build and existing buildings.



Free to attend, booking essential


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Further Information

UKCW Free Webinar #23: Passivhaus: A route to zero carbon

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