Passivhaus Affiliate

Setting our Retrofit Standards

Date: 16 September 2020 Time: 18:00 – 19:30
Location: Online webinar Cost: Pay as you feel, registration essential

Explore how retrofit standards can be applied to your project. Discussion will include the Passivhaus retrofit standard (EnerPHit) and the AECB Building Standard.

This webinar is organised by Carbon Co-op and delivered by PHT member Mark Siddal from LEAP architectural practice. Mark has 23 years industry experience and through LEAP, his architectural practice, he has completed several Passivhaus homes and the North East's first certified Passivhaus retrofit. Mark is passionate about the role buildings have to play in climate change action.


Protecting our children and grandchildren from climate breakdown and the collapse in biodiversity must lie at the heart of our daily activities. To create the future we desire, we must critically reevaluate our built environment, learn from it and share our successes - and failures."

Mark Siddall, LEAP


This webinar is aimed at design and build contractors, architects, consultants.



Pay as you feel. Registration essential.



Please use the online booking form.


Further Information

Setting our retrofit standards

Passivhaus Retrofit

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