Step-by-step Passivhaus Retrofit
Date: 02 December 2020 | Time: 18:00 - 19:30 |
Location: Online webinar | Cost: Pay as you feel. Registration essential |
Interested in whole house retrofit and you or your client is looking to do the work in stages? Hear PHT member Harry Paticas, Arboreal Architecture discuss his self-build retrofit. It is the first pre-certified step-by-step passivhaus retrofit in the UK.
This webinar is organised by the Carbon Coop. Hear more about how Harry planned and carried out works to his home in Honor Oak, London.
This webinar is aimed at retrofit consultants, advisors, architects, contractors and householders.
Pay As You Feel
Please use the online booking form. Registration essential.
Further Information
Step-by-step Passivhaus Retrofit