Passivhaus Affiliate

Max Fordham LLP on Passivhaus for Higher Education

Date: 23 September Time: 10:00
Location: Online Cost: Free

Cranmer Road | Allies and Morrison

Learn about PHT member Max Fordham's work on Passivhaus for higher education, including Croft Gardens and Cranmer Road student accomodation for King's College Cambridge and a new archive centre for Corpus Christ College Oxford.

The webinar will be presented by Gwilym Still, Passivhaus Leader at Max Fordham.

It will cover the design and delivery of Passivhaus for higher education buildings, particularly student accommodation. After a brief introduction to Passivhaus, it will look at several case studies, including measured performance and lessons learnt from completed buildings.

Tune in to learn about bricks and timber, cafes and domestic hot water, flip flops in winter, and why low-energy designers should care about access control systems.



This event is free to attend, but booking is essential.  Tickets can be booked online.


Further information

Passivhaus for Educational Buildings Campaign

Passivhaus Schools and Educational Buildings

23 September - Passivhaus for Educational Buildings: Schools

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