Passivhaus Affiliate

Passivhaus Member Exclusive: Overheating

Date: 26 February 2021 Time: 11:00-12:30
Location: Online Cost: FULLY BOOKED Free to attend - PHT member exclusive

PHT Member Meetup @ Overheating


The event will be recorded and made available to all members shortly after the event has completed.

PHT Member exclusive event to discuss the latest tools and developments on reducing overheating risks and ensuring summer comfort in Passivhaus buildings.




Email invites will be sent shortly to all members of the Trust. More details coming soon. If you would like to get involved, learn more about how to become a member and the many benefits here.

Keep engaged with the conversation. Follow @PassivhausTrust #PHTmembers


Further Information

Designing for Summer Comfort in the UK, Passivhaus Trust, 2015

Summer comfort in a warming climate - John Palmer, 2020 UK Passivhaus Conference presentation

Overheating and unexpected outcomes from PHPP - Passivhaus Homes, 2020 UK Passivhaus Conference presentation

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