Passivhaus Affiliate

Passivhaus schools in the UK

Date: 10 March 2021 Time: 17:00 - 18:30
Location: Online Cost: Free for PHT members, 30 Euros non-iPHA members

Wilkinson Primary School, Image credit: Architype

PHT members are eligible to join a monthly series of free webinars hosted by the International Passivhaus Association (iPHA.) This March, hear PHT Patrons Architype and WARM discuss Passivhaus schools in the UK. Over 90 minutes, speakers will share their experiences of developing hiigh-performance schools, with a particular emphasis on efficient ventilation and optimum indoor air quality to maintain healthy internal environments.




This event is free to attend for PHT members. Registration is essential.  Please use the online booking form

If you have any queries, please contact:


Upcoming Webinars

  • 7th April 2021- Cooling systems for humid climates

  • 5th May 2021- The scope of Passivhaus buildings in China

  • 2nd June 2021- Summer comfort with passive measures

Each webinar = 2 Passivhaus renewal credit points.

Further information

Free international Passivhaus webinars for PHT members

Passivhaus for Educational Buildings Campaign

Passivhaus Schools & Educational Buildings

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