Passivhaus Affiliate

Airtightness & Active Moisture Management CPD

Date: 12 May 2021 Time: 13.00 - 14.00
Location: Online Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

Ecological Building Systems Airtightness & Active Moisture Management CPD

Join PHT member Ecological Building Systems for a free interactive CPD: Airtightness & Active Moisture Management, aimed at built environment professionals and individuals interested in energy efficient building.

On average we spend 90% of our time indoors, and therefore creating a healthy living environment is crucial. Improving airtightness and implementing active moisture management ensures high levels of comfort for occupants, a reduction in energy consumption and increased structural longevity.

This CPD will enable you to gain knowledge from highly experienced technical professionals, where you will learn to:

  • design for airtightness from the outset
  • specify the most effective products
  • ensure robust airtightness installation on site
  • ensure buildings are sustainable, durable and provide comfortable healthy economic indoor living environments for future generations.

This CPD is a 1 hour stand-alone CPD providing 1 point towards maintaining your professional standard.


  • What is airtightness (and what it is not)
  • Airtightness standards from legal minimum to best in class.
  • Consequences of a lack of Airtightness and common failure areas.
  • Principles behind Insulation.
  • How to Implement an Airtightness strategy from the design stage to the final test on site.
  • Moisture management and intelligent membranes.
  • Intelligent solutions for achieving Airtightness including onsite details.
  • Putting Airtightness at the forefront of building design (why and how?)
  • Support Ecological Building Systems provides following this CPD.
  • Introduction to other CPDs that support low energy sustainable building.



This event is free to attend, but booking is essential. 


Tickets can be booked online.

If you have any queries please contact: or +44 (0)1228 711511


Further information

Airtightness & Active Moisture Management CPD

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