Passivhaus Affiliate

Checking the Pulse: Passivhaus in Practice

Date: 1 July 2021 Time: 09:00 - 13:00
Location: Online Cost: PHT member: £60+VAT, Non-member: £70+VAT

Checking the Pulse: Passivhaus in Practice

The Green Register   Passivhaus Trust

Join an online interactive event chaired by Passivhaus Trust CEO Jon Bootland. The talks will be delivered by PHT Patrons, members and others, digging deep into why the adoption of Passivhaus has grown so significantly over the past few years, and how the Standard continues to pave the way for the future of energy efficiency in buildings. 

Showcasing a series of case studies, the talks will focus on existing certified Passivhaus projects in different sectors, and identify what it is that makes these projects so successful in terms of reducing environmental impact, producing healthier indoor environments and providing optimum comfort levels for occupants. 

This event is aimed at built environment professionals, self-builders as well as individuals wanting to find out more about the Passivhaus standard. Expect an interactive and engaging morning of knowledge sharing, healthy debate, and networking. 


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Passivhaus in the UK: past, present, future

Sally Godber, PHT Patron WARM


Passivhaus and Covid-19: ventilation issues

Hannah Jones and Paul Smith, PHT Patron Greengauge


Case Study 1: Passivhaus Single dwellings 

Niall Crosson, PHT member Ecological Building Systems & Niall Smith, Niall Smith Architects.


Case Study 2: Passivhaus Social housing - Goldsmith Street

James Turner, PHT member Mikhail Riches


Case Study 3: Passivhaus Schools - Harris Academy Sutton

Christian Dimbleby, PHT Patron Architype


Case Study 4: EnerPHit (Passivhaus Retrofit) - Private home in Cork & Pharmacy in Tipperary 

Paul McNally, The PassivHaus Architecture Company

Full event programme is now online.

Passivhaus Single Dwelling, Image credit: Ecological Building Systems Goldsmith Street, Image credit: Mikhail Riches
Harris Academy Sutton, Image credit: Jack Hobhouse Passivhaus Pharmacy, Image credit: The Passivhaus Architecture Company


  • PHT members: £60+VAT
  • Green register members: £50.00+VAT
  • Non- members: £70+VAT

Special offer: Book 3 places for the price of 2



Please use the online registration form to secure your place.

If you have any queries please contact, or 0117 377 3490


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Further information

10 Years of Passivhaus: Seminal UK Projects

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