Passivhaus Affiliate

Embodied energy and carbon in Passivhaus construction

Date: 4 August 2021 Time: 08:00 - 09:30 or 17:00 - 18:30 BST
Location: Online Cost: PHT/ iPHA members: Free. Non-members: 30 Euros

iPHA Webinars

PHT members are eligible to join a series of free webinars hosted by the International Passivhaus Association (iPHA.) Over this 90 minute webinar, speaker Benjamin Krick of the Passivhaus Institute will discuss how and why a life cycle assessment must be designed for manufacturing and operating energy. Tim Martel, Freelance Architectural Technologist and Passivhaus Designer, will present his tool PHribbon, a plugin to PHPP which measures the embodied carbon of materials in a project. As we set our sights on net zero, this is one not to be missed!

Each webinar = 2 Passivhaus renewal credit points.


  • PHT members: Free - booking essential.

  • Non-members: € 30.00



Please use the online booking form

If you have any queries, please contact:


Further information

iPHA Passivhaus webinars

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