Passivhaus Affiliate

Laraweehan Passivhaus Webinar

Date: 23 September 2021 Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Location: Online Cost: Free to attend, booking essential

Laraweehan Passivhaus Webinar

Join the Passivhaus Association of Ireland and PHT members Ecological Building Systems for a free online event focusing on Laraweehan Passivhaus, situated in rural Ireland.

Lead by project owner and self-builder, Niall Crossan, this session will delve into the development and delivery of the 2 storey Passivhaus family home, with particular emphasis on minimising operational and embodied energy using natural insulation materials. With experience in this field spanning nearly two decades, Niall will share the project successes, challenges and lessons learned.

Aimed at self-builders, those delivering Passivhaus projects or individuals interested in learning more about Passivhaus, don't miss the chance to bring along your burning questions to discover more about building your very own Passivhaus using natural insulation materials.



This event is free to attend, but booking is essential. 


Please book via the online registration form.

If you have any queries please contact:


Further information

Laraweehan Passivhaus Webinar

Passivhaus Goes Personal

Passivhaus Self Build

PHT Technical Guidance - Good practice guide to insulation

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