Events Archive
Here you will find an archive of past events.
December 2012
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The UEA Low Carbon Campus Tour
Date: 12th December 2012 | Time: 15:00 - 19:00 |
Location: Thomas Paine Building, University of East Anglia, Norwich | Cost: Free to Eligible SMEs |
This tour organised by Adapt CBE will give an overview of the UEA's low carbon campus including a visit of the UEA Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant, Thomas Paine Study Centre and Elizabeth Fry Buildings.

Building a Passivhaus using standard UK building techniques
Date: 11th December 2012 | Time: All day |
Location: Green Building Store's HQ in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. | Cost: £295+VAT (standard), £265.50 +VAT for PHT members |
Green Building Store's construction division Green Building Company will be offering a further one-day intensive course on the Passivhaus construction techniques used at UK projects such as the Denby Dale Passivhaus.

The Green Deal Appraised
Date: 5th December 2013 | Time: 08:30 - 13:15 |
Location: BRE Innovation Park, The Renewable House, Watford | Cost: Free to Eligible SMEs |
Two case studies - one on EnerPhit - the passivhaus standard - will be presented along with a legislative overview.
November 2012
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Austria Passivhaus Site Visit Tour
Date: 26th-28th November | Time: Over 3 days |
Location: Innsbruck, Wels, Vienna (Austria) | Cost: See event page for details |
The Austrian Passivhaus Site Visit Tour organised and sponsored by Advantage Austria is intended to inform UK construction experts about the latest developments in sustainable building in Austria.

Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson Course
Date: 21st, 22nd & 23rd November 2012; Exam: November 24th | Time: 09:00 - 17:30 |
Location: Warrington, Manchester | Cost: £425 (includes lunch, tuition & course notes), 10% discount for PHT members |
Excellent onsite workmanship and attention to detail is critical in achieving the required Passivhaus standards. To aid this process a new qualification has been developed by the Passivhaus Institut to recognise those tradespeople that can demonstrate the required level of knowledge to construct a building to the Passivhaus standard. This course is run by Target Zero.

Healthy Homes: Ventilating for good indoor air quality
Date: 21st November 2012 | Time: 13.30 - 17.00 |
Location: Create Centre Smeaton Road Bristol BS1 6XN | Cost: £59 for Green Register / GHA / UKIEG / PHT members; £85 for non-members; 3 places for the price of 2 (£118 members; £170 non-members) |
This seminar will explore how we ensure best practice design, installation, commissioning and ongoing maintenance, all vital components to the success of the system to deliver good indoor air quality to maximize the health and wellbeing of occupants?

Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson Training
Date: 13th-14th November 2012 | Time: Distance learning with 2 days face to face training plus 90 minute exam |
Location: BRE, Watford | Cost: £550 + VAT (standard price); £500 + VAT (discounted price for CIOB and PHT members); Examination Fee: £150 + VAT |
Excellent onsite workmanship and attention to detail is critical in achieving the required Passivhaus standards. To aid this process a new qualification has been developed by the Passivhaus Institut to recognise those tradespeople that can demonstrate the required level of knowledge to construct a building to the Passivhaus standard.
Carbonlite Passivhaus Designer Training
Date: 12th November 2012 | Time: Various |
Location: Bristol | Cost: £1999 + VAT; Discounts for PHT members |
AECB CarbonLite, in Association with WARM Low Energy Building Practice, offers a Passive House Designer programme specifically for the UK.

UK Passivhaus Open Days 2012
Date: 9th Nov - 11th November 2012 | Time: Over 3 days |
Location: All over the UK | Cost: FREE |
The Open Days have been organised in conjunction with The International Passive House Days set up by the International Passive House Association (iPHA).

UK Passivhaus Open Days 2012- Participating Projects
Date: 9th Nov - 11th November 2012 | Time: Over 3 days |
Location: All over the UK | Cost: FREE |
At the UK Passivhaus Open Days, you will have the opportunity to experience the comforts of the Passivhaus standard first hand and learn more about it.

UK Passivhaus Conference 2012
Date: 7th-8th November 2012 | Time: All day |
Location: East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham | Cost: See event page |
The 2012 two day UK Passivhaus Conference offers a comprehensive review of the uptake of Passivhaus in the UK covering the standard, its suitability in the UK, leading edge case studies and practical delivery of the first Passivhaus projects in the UK. The conference is being organised by the Passivhaus Trust and the BRE, together with their supporting partners and affiliates.
October 2012
[back to top]Certified European Passive House Designer Course & Exam
Date: 29th October - 15th November 2012 | Time: 8:00-17.00/17.30 all days |
Location: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow | Cost: £1,930 to non- members; £1,780 to PHT members |
In order to promote adoption of the Passivhaus standard and ensure that it is implemented with correct quality, the EU funded the CEPH project to deliver robust training and certification for Passivhaus Designers across EU member states.

GHA CONFERENCE: Delivering Good Homes - Defining, Planning, Designing, Managing and Financing
Date: 25th October 2012 | Time: 9.00- 17.30 followed by drinks |
Location: Senate House, London | Cost: £129 for non GHA members (till 12th October, £149 after); 20% off for PHT Members |
A must attend 1 day conference organised by the GHA with leading industry speakers and panelists taking you through all of the key issues of new homes development

The Green Deal Appraised
Date: 24th October 2012 | Time: 08:30 - 13:15 |
Location: Adapt, NRP Innovation Centre, Norwich | Cost: Free to Eligible SMEs |
Two case studies - one on EnerPhit - the passivhaus standard - will be presented along with a legislative overview.

Wahroonga Passivhaus Open Day
Date: 20th-21st October 2012 | Time: 10:00 - 17:00 |
Location: Wahroonga (previously Greystones) New Street Ledbury HR8 2EL | Cost: FREE |
Visit a Passivhaus newly built by Herefordshire builder Mike Whitfield Construction.

Designing and Delivery Passivhaus and Low Carbon Buildings 2
Date: 17th October 2012 | Time: 08:30 - 16:45 |
Location: BRE Innovation Park: The Renewable House, Watford | Cost: Free to Eligible SMEs |
This seminar conducted by Adapt CBE explores significant detailing issues such as cold bridge elimination and provides an overview of how the Passivhaus Planning Package is used to design and deliver to the Passivhaus standard.
Sequestered Carbon - its role in resource efficient buildings
Date: 17th October 2012 | Time: 17.30 - 20.00 |
Location: Ability Media, 56, Southwark Bridge Rd, SE1 0AS | Cost: FREE |
The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP) and Architype Architects cordially invite you to a highly topical evening with plenty of time for discussion, followed by drinks.
IHDC 2012 Conference- Ecosystem Services Come to Town
Date: 15th October 2012 | Time: 10:00 - 21:00 |
Location: Flett Lecture Theatre - Exhibition Road Entrance Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD | Cost: £145.00-Standard Fee, £105.00-PHT Members |
Our towns and cities face numerous complex challenges - overheating, surface water management, air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity and green space. The IHDC 2012 Conference on 15th October discusses ways and means to work with nature and integrate an ecosystem services approach to the design of the built environment.

Embodied Carbon, Passivhaus and Low Carbon Buildings 1
Date: 10th October 2012 | Time: 08:30 - 13:15 |
Location: Adapt, NRP Innovation Centre, Norwich | Cost: Free to Eligible SMEs |
What is embodied carbon and why is it important? This seminar by Adapt CBE provides an overview on the current status of embodied carbon in the built environment.

Fuel poverty and residents: identifying solutions
Date: 10th October 2012 | Time: 10:00am to 4:00pm |
Location: Manchester | Cost: See event page |
Fuel poverty could rise to 1 in 3 homes by 2016. Sustainable Homes and partners will present a one-day conference investigating the research and action being taken to combat fuel poverty.
September 2012
[back to top]Certified Passivhaus Designer Training
Date: 26th September - 5th October 2012 | Time: Distance Learning and 7 training days split over two weeks |
Location: BRE, Watford | Cost: £2,250+VAT (standard price); £2,000+VAT (PHT members) |
The Certified European Passivhaus Designer (CEPH) qualification provides candidates with all of the skills necessary to successfully design and deliver domestic buildings to the Passivhaus standard. This CEPH training course is conducted by the BRE.

Sustainable Design - New Builds & Retrofit in Conservation Areas
Date: 21st September 2012 | Time: 16:00-18:00 |
Location: Paul Davis + Partners, The Old School House, 178 Ebury Street, SW1W 8UP | Cost: FREE |
Paul Davis & Partners will present recent projects with a focus on deep-retrofit (Passivhaus) in conservation areas and what it entails.

The Passivhaus Challenge: Understanding High-Performance Envelope Design
Date: 19th September 2012 | Time: 8.30 - 9.30 |
Location: Atelier Ten, 19 Perseverance Works, 38 Kingsland Road, E2 8DD | Cost: FREE |
An exemplar model for the application of Passivhaus in the UK
Passivhaus Introduction and Workshop
Date: 12th September 2012 | Time: All day |
Location: BRE, Watford | Cost: £350+VAT (standard), 10% discount for PHT members |
This introductory course and workshop run by BRE is aimed at all those with an interest in low-energy design, construction and the Passivhaus standard.
Passivhaus in the UK - What you need to know
Date: 11th September 2012 | Time: 18:00 onwards |
Location: Ecotech Centre, Turbine Way, Swaffham, Norfolk PE37 7HT | Cost: £5 CIOB Members and £8 Non-Members |
This event organised by CIOB will deliver a 'warts and all' introduction to Passivhaus in the UK.
Certified European Passivhaus Designer Training
Date: September, October, November 2012 | Time: Various |
Location: Various | Cost: Contact Target Zero |
This CEPH course is delivered by Target Zero, who are accredited by the Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, Germany to conduct the training.
August 2012
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Passivhaus Site Visit: Bushbury Hill Primary School
Date: 31st August 2012 | Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
Location: Wolverhampton | Cost: £12.50 + VAT; £10 + VAT RIBA Members; £7.50 + VAT Students |
Mark Lumley, Associate Director at Architype, will guide a tour of Bushbury Hill Primary School, winner of numerous awards. This visit is organised by RIBA West Midlands.

Passivhaus Site Visit: Richmond Hill & Swillington Primary Schools
Date: 31st August 2012 | Time: 13:00 onwards |
Location: Richmond Hill Primary School, Clark Crescent, Leeds | Cost: FREE |
Passivhaus was selected on Richmond Hill and Swillington Primary Schools as a means of achieving the 60% Carbon reduction required for the projects without resorting to biomass.

Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) Workshop
Date: 22nd-23rd August 2012 | Time: 9:30 to 16:30 |
Location: Scottish Passive House Centre - Dalgety Business Centre, Ridge Way, Dalgety Bay, KY11 9JN | Cost: £295+ VAT (15% discount for PHT members) |
This 2-day workshop is tailored for architects and consultants who would like to get to know the Passive House Planning Package and for certified Passive House Designers, who would like to refresh their knowledge or get help with current projects.

Introduction to the Passive House Standard
Date: 8th August 2012 | Time: 9:30 to 16:30 |
Location: Scottish Passive House Centre - Dalgety Business Centre, Ridge Way, Dalgety Bay, KY11 9JN | Cost: £180 + VAT (15% discount for PHT members) |
A one day seminar by the Scottish Passive House Centre will cover the Passive House concept, dispel the myths surrounding passive House and impart their experiences of passive House in Scotland and the rest of the UK so far.
July 2012
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2nd Green.Building.Solutions. Summer University in Vienna
Date: 22nd July-12th August 2012 | Time: Over 3 weeks |
Location: Vienna, Austria | Cost: 2,300 Euros for professionals;1,900 Euros for students |
INEX, in collaboration with OeAD, offers the second edition of this intensive training program in the field of sustainable building design and energy efficiency provided by 5 Austrian Universities, the Austrian Institute of Technology and the IG Passivhaus.
UK Passivhaus Awards 2012 & Passivhaus Trust 2nd Anniversary
Date: 4th July 2012 | Time: 14:00-18:30 |
Location: Macmillan Building, Senate House, London WC1E 7HU | Cost: £35+VAT Trust members and their guests; £120+VAT Non-members |
The UK Passivhaus Awards have been launced by the Trust to celebrate the achievements of the Passivhaus Pioneers in the UK.

Wolfgang Feist UK tour- Cardiff
Date: 3rd July 2012 | Time: 13:30- 17:00 |
Location: Cardiff School of Engineering, BRE Institute of Sustainable Engineering, Queen's Buildings, Cardiff University, The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA | Cost: £120+VAT non members; £60+VAT for PHT members; Student discounts available |
This session is hosted by Cardiff University.

Wolfgang Feist UK tour- Glasgow
Date: 2nd July 2012 | Time: 9:00 - 17:00 |
Location: Morning: The Lighthouse; Afternoon: McCance Building, University of Strathclyde | Cost: Various |
This session is hosted by University of Strathclyde and sust.
June 2012
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Wolfgang Feist UK tour- London
Date: 30th June 2012 | Time: 10:00-17:00 |
Location: Goldsmith College, London, SE14 | Cost: Various |
The Passivhaus Trust is delighted to announce a series of seminars and Advanced Technical masterclasses with Professor Wolfgang Feist beginning on 30th June in London. This event is co-hosted with the AECB.
Certified Passivhaus Designer Training
Date: 20th - 29th June 2012 | Time: Distance Learning and 7 training days split over two weeks |
Location: BRE Watford | Cost: £2,250+VAT for non-members, £2000+VAT for PHT Members |
The Certified European Passivhaus Designer (CEPH) qualification provides candidates with all of the skills necessary to successfully design and deliver domestic buildings to the Passivhaus standard. This CEPH training course is conducted by the BRE.

Building a Passivhaus using standard UK building techniques
Date: 18th June 2012 | Time: All day |
Location: Green Building Company/ Store offices; near Huddersfield, West Yorkshire and Denby Dale | Cost: £295+VAT for non-members, £265.50 +VAT for PHT members |
Green Building Store's construction division Green Building Company will be offering a further one-day intensive course on the Passivhaus construction techniques used at UK projects such as the Denby Dale Passivhaus.
Passivhaus - Low energy design principles
Date: 13th June 2012 | Time: All day |
Location: Think Low Carbon Centre, Barnsley College | Cost: £150+VAT, 10% discount for PHT members |
Designed to introduce you to the Passivhaus standard, highlighting the basic characteristics of Passivhaus buildings, the certification requirements and how to set about designing a building to the standard.

Passivhaus Windows Seminar
Date: 13th June 2012 | Time: 9:00-13:15 |
Location: Bicester Golf Club, Oxfordshire, OX26 1TE | Cost: FREE |
This half day seminar organised by Rationel windows looks into how Rationel windows have been used in Passivhaus projects and how they have performed

Wimbish Passivhaus site visit
Date: 12th June 2012 | Time: 13.45 - 16.30 |
Location: Wimbish Village Hall, near Saffron Walden, Essex | Cost: FREE |
The Good Homes Alliance is organising a visit to the Wimbish Passivhaus as part of their summer series of site visits.

London Green Fair
Date: 9th & 10th June 2012 | Time: Over 2 days |
Location: Regents Park | Cost: FREE |
The Passivhaus Trust will be taking part in this year’s London Green Fair.
May 2012
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Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) Workshop
Date: 23rd & 24th May, 22nd & 23rd August, 21st & 22nd November | Time: 09:30 - 16:30 |
Location: Scottish Passive House Centre, Rosyth, Fife | Cost: £295 + VAT (15% discount for PHT members) |
2 day workshop tailored for architects and consultants who would like to get to know the Passive House Planning Package and also for certified Passive House designers as a refresher.
Certified European Passivhaus Designer Training
Date: May 21st-24th; 28th-31st; Exam June 16th | Time: All day |
Location: Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB), London South Bank University (LSBU) | Cost: £1450 for the 8 day course; £280 for the exam and certification; 10% discount for PHT members |
This CEPH course is delivered at the Centre for Efficient and Renewable Energy in Buildings (CEREB) of London South Bank University (LSBU), in association with Target Zero Group, who are accredited by the Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt, Germany to conduct the training.

Fabric first and refurbishment excellence: up-skilling to deliver the green deal and beyond.
Date: 17th May 2012 | Time: 9:00-16:00 |
Location: CoRE Technology Building, Chelson Street, Longton, Stoke-On Trent, ST3 1PT | Cost: £40 |
The report, Fabric First and Refurbishment Excellence: Up-skilling to Deliver The Green Deal and Beyond, will be launched at the Event.

16th International Passive House Conference 2012
Date: 4th & 5th May 2012 | Time: Over 2 days |
Location: Hanover | Cost: See conference website |
The focus of this year's Conference will be on refurbishment, non-residential buildings, ventilation, and implementation in hot or particularly cold climates.
April 2012
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Passivhaus Regulations with FRP Composite Materials
Date: 23rd April 2012 | Time: 09:30 - 15:30 |
Location: The Building Centre, London, UK | Cost: PHT, NGCC and PIA members £45 +vat; Non-members £95 + vat |
The aim of this unique event is to look at how fibre reinforced polymer composite materials can offer solutions to the challenges posed by Passivhaus regulations.

SPHC Approved Event
Date: 19th April 2012 | Time: 18:00-20:00 |
Location: Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh | Cost: FREE |
The SPHC Approved scheme is aimed at making the Passive House Standard easier and more accessible to a wide variety of people across the country.
March 2012
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Climate Week 2012
Date: 12th-18th March 2012 | Time: Various |
Location: Various | Cost: FREE |
Climate Week is Britain's biggest climate change campaign, inspiring a new wave of action to create a sustainable future.

Passivhaus: The challenges of retrofitting to Passivhaus and the opportunities for new buildss
Date: 8th March 2012 | Time: 18:00 to 19:30 |
Location: PTEa office, London N1 8JX | Cost: FREE |
This event is part of a series of Sustainability talks hosted by Pollard Thomas Edward Architects
February 2012
[back to top]Airtightness Master Class
Date: 23rd February 2012 | Time: All day |
Location: Mayville Community Centre, London N16 NA | Cost: £200+VAT for non-members, £180+VAT for PHT members |
BRE and bere:architects have come together to bring you an airtightness master class.

Healthy Homes: Ventilating right for good indoor air quality
Date: 22nd February 2012 | Time: 09.45 - 17.30 |
Location: Department of Health, Skipton House, 80 London Road, London SE1 6LH | Cost: See Event programme for costs, 10% discount for PHT members |
The GHA and UKIEG are working together to bring you this joint meeting, with the UKIEG annual conference being held in the morning and with the GHA workshop on healthy homes following on in the afternoon.

Passivhaus & low energy retrofits workshop
Date: 8th February 2012 | Time: 19:00 - 21:00 |
Location: Slaithwaite Civic Hall, Slaithwaite, near Huddersfield | Cost: FREE |
Green Building Store & Green Building Company are offering a FREE evening workshop on Passivhaus & low energy retrofits

Passivhaus and Embodied Carbon
Date: 2nd February 2012 | Time: 10:00 - 13:30 |
Location: SmartLife Low Carbon Centre, Cambridge CB4 2QT | Cost: FREE |
This event on Passivhaus and Embodied Carbon is the third in a regular series of events on low carbon construction promoted by University of East Anglia (UEA)'s Low Carbon Innovation Centre and InCrops Enterprise Hub
January 2012
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Founder's and Partner's meeting
Date: 24th January 2012 | Time: 13:00 onwards |
Location: Mayville Community Centre, London | Cost: FREE |
We have the pleasure of inviting Founder members and Partners to our second meeting of this kind to be held in a Passivhaus building.

Passivhaus Site Visit: Bryce Lodge
Date: 12th January 2012 | Time: 13:30 - 16:30 |
Location: Horsham, West Sussex | Cost: FREE |
This visit organised by Osborne and Saxon Weald will explore the design and construction and use of i-SIPS on the 12 Passivhaus homes, part of the Bryce Lodge social housing scheme.