Technical Guidance - Passivhaus Cost Template
Category: Guidance
It is difficult to get a clear picture of the costs associated with a Passivhaus building. In the UK, figures quoted for costs may be calculated differently in each case, and include different elements. This presently makes it impossible to make useful comparisons.
As part of the Passivhaus Trust’s 2013 research, Jane Barnes, Senior Project Manager at Aecom have developed standard metrics, based on the Building Costs Information System (BCIS) template, to produce a cost template to use when reporting the costs of Passivhaus. These metrics will then be used to compare costs of Passivhaus housing across a range of sites for both new build and retrofits. Comparisons will be made by house type, size and tenure, to ensure that like-for-like costs are reported.
The template is intended to record costs for selected case studies, starting with terraced housing (already complete) and moving on to apartments and retrofit housing. A report on the comparison findings will be published later this year.
Download a copy of the cost template here.