Passivhaus News
Here you will find the latest UK Passivhaus news. View our most recent Passivhaus Trust monthly newsletters here. To get the latest news & events straight in your inbox sign-up to the PHT mailing list.
2021: Ones to watch
COP26, an explosion of Council-led Passivhaus developments at scale, a UK 10-point plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, and more. The UK Passivhaus Community has achieved much in the past 10 years - but there is much work to be done in the next decade as we cautiously transition out of the pandemic. Check out our top picks as we move into 2021.
14th December 2020
A Healthy & Green Future
Digest all that occurred at the first virtual UK Passivhaus Conference with a quick summary from PHT Chair Chris Herring. If you missed the live online events, all 4 afternoon sessions have been recorded and are available to delegates. Tickets are still available to access all conference recordings.
12th December 2020
Coming up from the Passivhaus Trust
Several research projects have been simmering away at the Trust and will be launched in 2021. An analysis to help steer nationwide retrofit efforts to have the maximum impact, an indispensable tool for the PHPP to anticipate and avoid overheating risk, and the second half of our Passivhaus Costs and Benefits guide, are all in the works and will be out soon.
10th December 2020
Government plan for green industrial revolution
The 10-point plan for a green industrial revolution is welcome but misses the mark on the retrofit challenge. Energy-efficiency measures are within the plan - but it is alarming that the Government is prioritising investment in 'new technologies & inventions' over tried and tested solutions.
8th December 2020
Pushing on with Passivhaus in Dumbarton!
A Passivhaus approach to the Bellsmyre Regeneration sees the creation of quality spaces where the local community and wildlife can thrive!
6th December 2020
Passivhaus Trust Tenth Anniversary
In 2010, the Passivhaus Trust was founded. Now, in 2020, we celebrate the tenth anniversary, over 1300 certified Passivhaus dwellings across the UK, a prestigious Stirling Prize win for a Council-led Passivhaus development, and many more milestones.
25th November 2020
All good things must come to an end
The 2020 UK Passivhaus Conference comes to an end. We close an informative month-long Passivhaus bonanza with a look to Passivhaus Futures, the Trust’s tenth-anniversary celebrations, and a call to action.
20th November 2020
Inform the future of SAP/RdSAP
The SAP/RdSAP 11 scoping project team are calling for responses to a survey to gather evidence and initial feedback to support the emerging recommendations to BEIS on what SAP/RdSAP 11 will need to model, and how, to produce reliable, pertinent and comparable energy assessments of homes in the future.
19th November 2020
Its all in the detail
This penultimate day of the Conference will have a technical focus, getting into the nitty-gritty of Passivhaus details.
17th November 2020
Still to come: How to deliver Passivhaus
After an energizing launch, we continue the UK Passivhaus Conference this Wednesday and turn our attention to the practicalities of how to deliver both newbuild and retrofit Passivhaus.
10th November 2020
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