Research project on comparative costs of building Passivhaus in the UK
Architectural Technologist Daniel Owen’s research project examines the costs of building homes to the Passivhaus standard in the UK in order to determine its economic viability to help meet government carbon emission targets by 2050 compared to current UK housing standards. The report was commended at the CIAT national awards December 2014, in the Excellence in Architectural Technology (Report) award category.
The research analyses the construction costs (capital costs) of building to the Passivhaus standard as well as the operational costs (costs in use) and carbon emissions, compared to homes built to the Code for Sustainable Homes level 5/6 and the minimum standard for housing in the UK. Payback periods for each of the 3 standards form the basis of analysis to the economic viability of the standard in the UK.
The research concludes that the Passivhaus standard is considered to be economically viable option for low energy, sustainable housing in the UK to help meet government targets for the reduction of carbon emissions in the UK by 2050 when compared to the other UK housing standards.
Further Information:
LSI Architects - ‘A Comparative Study into the Cost of Passivhaus in the UK’
Passivhaus Trust Cost Template