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Large-scale Passivhaus case studies at the 2015 UK Passivhaus Conference

A number of exciting large-scale Passivhaus developments were discussed at the 2015 UK Passivhaus Conference, here are a few:

Norwich City Council: Large scale Passivhaus developments

Residential new build
Various project stages

Norwich is emerging as a leader for the Passivhaus movement in the UK with a number of significant large scale residential projects under development supported by a £300 million 'Fabric First' housing construction framework.

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown

Residential new build
Policy motion passed

The motion proposes all new builds in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown are to aim for Passivhaus [or equivalent] where reasonably practicable which may result in the planning of 20,000 homes

Image credit: Passive House Academy

Exeter Leisure Centre

Non-Domestic new build
Design Stage - pre planning

Aiming to be the first UK public Passivhaus pool. After initial feasibility and design investigations of high energy intensive environments, business running costs are more affordable in a Passivhaus rather a than standard pool..

Image credit: Gale & Snowden

University of Leicester Medical Teaching Centre

Non-Domestic new build
Nearing completion

The 30,000m2 concrete frame building will be the largest educational non domestic Passivhaus in the UK and is due to complete by the end of 2015.

Image credit: Associated Architects

OWLS (Off-Site Wrap-Around Large-Scale)

Residential retrofit
Solihull, West Midlands.

A pilot scheme of a whole building retrofit solution to be rolled out at scale. The deep retrofit includes a complete new façade and roof, new high-performance windows and doors and MVHR using Beattie Passive’s TCosy™ retrofit system.

Image credit: Encraft

Erneley Close retrofit

Residential retrofit
Complete, occupied & certified.

UK Passivhaus Awards 2015 Large Projects Finalist. A regeneration of two dilapidated blocks of flats providing 38 residential units, with EnerPHit as a mechanism for creating a sustainable low carbon community.

Image credit: R-Gen Developments

Agar Grove

Residential retrofit & new build
Camden, London
Post planning

The £97 million regeneration development covers a 25,600m² estate, and aims to provide 500 residential units of mixed tenure, 360 of which will Passivhaus homes.

Image credit: Hawkins Brown

Grosvenor Britain & Ireland, EnerPHit rentals

Residential retrofit
Complete occupied & certified

Retrofit Finalist: UK Passivhaus Awards 2015. Two bed, historic terraced houses that achieved first privately rented EnerPHit criteria in London. Pilot projects have set precedence for many more to come from Grosvenor.

Further Information

UK Passivhaus Conference 2015

23rd October 2015

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