Progress for Cohousing striving for Passivhaus
Granted outline planning permission in August 2015, things have been progressing well at the Cannock Mill Cohousing development. A surge in interest has resulted in the last few plots and timber frame homes, aiming for Passivhaus, remaining up for grabs.
Homes that are still available are identified on the site plan below:
- 2 x 3-bed houses
- 1 x 2-bed flat
- 3 x 1-bed flats
Homes currently available are are sold with shared grounds and common house, and are allocated to people as they become members.
Cannock Mill CoHousing act as a not-for-profit developer, committed to delivering best value for money. Check the comprehensive membership process for further details.
Existing members are free to change their type of home, so other home types may become available. There is a waiting list for people whose choice of type of home is not currently available or who are not yet ready to have a home allocated but want to join the group (as associate directors) to have a plot in the future.
If you are interested in occupying any of these homes, please direct your queries to the Cannock Mill CoHousing membership secretary:
07910 466 913.
Further Information
Previous PHT story: Cohousing scheme gets green light for 23 Passivhaus homes - 11 August 2015
Previous PHT story: LoCo Cohousing gears up to build Colchester Passivhaus development – 29 July 2014