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So that's what Passivhaus is all about!

The Passivhaus Trust would like to extend a huge thank you to all those who so warmly and generously welcomed visitors into their homes as part of the International Passivhaus Open Days during the second weekend of November 2018. This international event saw:

iPHOpenDays 2018 Stats

2018 UK Open Days projects per region

Now in its 15th year, with the UK participating since 2011, this event is gaining momentum over time. The rise in both participant numbers and completed projects, in the UK in particular this year, reflects the ever-increasing and non-negotiable importance of comfortable low-energy buildings. This theme took centre stage at the UK Passivhaus Conference 2018, just a few days after the open days, when Passivhaus enthusiasts from across the country (and the Atlantic!) gathered to discuss this crucial topic further and explore the benefits of the global Standard for facilitating the journey to zero carbon.

International Passivhaus Open days 2018 Map2018 International Passivhaus Open Days Map

Hosts of the 36 UK projects used the occasion to share their first-hand experience and explain the whole picture of what a Passivhaus project involves, offering free guided tours, explanatory presentations and tasty refreshments. Visitors were therefore able to feed their brains and their bellies while getting a real feel for what Passivhaus is all about.

On several of the projects construction was still underway, providing visitors with the unique opportunity to explore behind the scenes and see the details and components that are usually concealed. Throughout the weekend, Twitter was buzzing with stories and photos of the event, including a feature of a feline friend:

Ostro Passivhaus

Hampshire Passivhaus

Bowman’s Lea





Check out #iPHopendays for more posts. A selection of images can also be seen on the Passivhaus Trust Flickr account. For more inspiration on building your own Passivhaus, be sure to check out our Passivhaus goes Personal campaign.


Anyone involved in designing, building or legislating for house design should be forced to attend some of these."

UK Passivhaus Open days 2018 visitor


If you are considering building your own Passivhaus, are encouraging clients to aim for the standard, or simply want to learn more, then this free event is a must! Get the 2019 event in your diary now - 8th to 10th November 2019.


Further Information

2018 UK Passivhaus Open Days

iPHA International Passivhaus Open Days review

2019 UK Passivhaus Open Days

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20th November 2018

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