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Mixing the old and the new

An experienced team comprised of PHT members Green Building Store, Elemental Solutions, Alan Clarke and Mike Whitfield Construction, along with architect Adrian Cook, have completed a newly certified Passivhaus, Ty Casim, and it's a perfect example of mixing the old with the new. The traditional exterior is coupled with an extremely modern interior to achieve the Passivhaus standard with flying colours. 

Crickhowell©Adrian Cook

The two-bedroom new-build detached home sits in the Crickhowell conservation area, within the Brecon Beacons National Park. The build began in August 2015 and was completed in Spring 2019. This is a partially self-built project; the building envelope was completed by the contractor but the client carried out much of the interior work himself, including fixtures, fittings and decoration, which reduced the cost of the overall project to between £1,600-£1,800m².  


Key Stats

Treated Floor Area (TFA): 148m²

Build Start Date: August 2015

Year of completion: Spring 2019

Renewables: MVHR, PV

Construction Type: Timber frame

Cost: £1,600-£1,800m²

Ty Casim South Elevation

The external aesthetic of the build sits well in the historical Welsh surroundings, making use of natural and local materials. The project has a roof of reclaimed Welsh slate and lime render and includes traditional feel roughcast render on the front elevation with Douglas Fir cladding to the rear. Natural green is added by the use of sedum on the roof of the single storey living area to the side of the house.


Predicted Energy Performance

Ty Casim North Elevation

Airtightness (≤0.6ACH@50pascals)  


Thermal Energy Demand (≤15kWh/m².yr)


Thermal Energy Load (≤10W/m²)


Primary Energy Demand (≤120kWh/m².yr)


The project includes frameless triple-glazed timber windows which tie into the elegant and simple design of the building. The windows are kept clear of any superficial details to make the most of the uncomplicated look created by their hidden frame.

The north, street-facing elevation features smaller windows while to the south, larger windows enable views of the Brecon Beacons National Park.

The build is constructed from a timber frame with an insulated raft foundation. To ensure the roof and walls maintain the levels of insulation needed to meet the Passivhaus criteria they have been filled with Warmcell insulation. The polished concrete floor not only ties into the modern feel of the home's interior but also helps to reduce temperature fluctuations and to maintain a constant comfortable internal environment.  

Key Team

Architect: Adrian Cook

Contractor: Mike Whitfield Construction

Structural / Civil Engineer: Mann Williams, Cardiff

Consultants: Elemental Solutions, Alan Clarke, Green Buidling Store

Certifier: MEAD

Ty Casim South Elevation


All images unless otherwise stated ©Elemental Solutions


Further Information

Ty Casim



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1st June 2019

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