Passivhaus Affiliate

Northern Ireland Passivhaus Conference

Date: 27 - 28 September 2022 Time: Over 2 consecutive days
Location: Enniskillen, Northern Ireland Cost: Full conference: £295

Northen Ireland Passivhaus Conference

Hosted in parallel with the iPHA 2022 Camp which will also take place in Enniskillen, the two-day conference will bring together internationally recognised educators and policy makers and influencers from across the globe. Join PHT Patrons and members as they present engaging presentations on Passivhaus as a robust route to meeting climate targets.

The conference will be held at the UK's first Passivhaus premium building Erne Campus. Delegates will have the opportunity to learn about and explore this innovative campus during the two day conference, as well as listen to key note speeches from some of the leading sustainability practitioners and academics and participate in stimulating workshops and seminars in a relaxing and informative small group environment.



Day 1


Passive House and Low Embodied Carbon Office Block

Art McCormack, PHT member MosArt


Passive House design in education, at no extra cost!

 Ann-Marie Fallon, PHT Patron Architype


Scaling up Passive House – Exeter’s Journey over a decade

 Emma Osmunden, PHT Patron Exeter City Council

Day 2


Passivhaus and its continued growth as a housing solution

Tomas O'Leary, PHT member MosArt


The largest private-developer-led project aiming for Passivhaus in the UK and Ireland

John Carrigan, Fraser Millar Contracts Ltd

Full programme online


  • Full conference (Day 1 & 2): £295

  • Day 1: £195

  • Day 2: £149



Please book via the online event page.  For any queries, please contact:

Booking closes: End of Tuesday 23 September 2022.

Further Information

Northern Ireland International Passivhaus Conference 2022

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