International Passivhaus Awards 2014
The 2014 Passive House Award, supported by the EU through the PassREg project and under the patronage of the German Federal Ministry of Transport Building and Urban Development, is a celebration of architecture. The Award demonstrates the great potential and versatility offered by Passive House solutions.
7 winners (including 1 region) of the International Passivhaus Awards 2014 were revealed at the 18th International Passivhaus Conference.
Winners were chosen from approximately 100 submissions, from a total of 21 different countries.
• Retrofits:
Tighthouse (Brooklyn/New York, USA), Fabrica718 with studio Cicetti, architect pc
Commended for beautifully retaining the building’s original terraced Booklyn brownstone character.
• Regions: (through PassREg)
Heidelberg Environmental Agency, Bahnstadt city district.
Commednded for its forward thinking energy plan demonstrating that passive house is also a valuable standard for extensive development schemes.
• Apartment buildings:
Boyen Street Zero-emission Building (Berlin, Germany), Deimel Oelschläger Architekten Partnerschaft
Commended for the energy-related characteristics of the building, varied façade, as well as its meticulously planned balcony and shading element details
• Single-family homes: 2 winners selected
Belfield Homes (Philadelphia, USA), Plumbob
Commended for a social housing project providing functional use of limited space in a densely populated city district.
Oravarinne Passive Houses (Espoo, Finland), Kimmo Lylykangas Architects
Commended for intelligently designed building shells which enclose the compact core of each house.
• Educational buildings
Seminar and Appartment building (Goesan, South Korea), ArchitekturWerkstatt Vallentin
Commended for not only fitting into the surrounding landscape but also enhancing it.
• Office and special use buildings
Kunstmuseum Ravensburg (Ravensburg, Germany), Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei Architekten
Commended for use of a brickwork façade to fully integrate the museum into its historical downtown setting.
It is very encouraging to see such a great range of aesthetics and designs all meeting Passivhaus criteria and performing as designed in a multitude of climates.
The Passive House Standard serves as a global benchmark for energy efficient construction and refurbishment. I am especially pleased to see that the Standard is now underpinning more than just individual buildings, serving as the basis for building complexes and even entire neighbourhoods.
Sigmar Gabriel, German Federal Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy
Further information
Previous PHT Story on shortlisted finalists
2014 International Passivhaus Award