Passivhaus Affiliate

Passivhaus Large & Complex Case Study Masterclass Series

Date: 05 April 2023 Time: 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Online Cost: tbc

Case Study Masterclass Series

The energy demand of large and complex non-domestic buildings can be reduced significantly by applying the high energy efficiency approach of Passivhaus. This not only contributes to climate protection but delvers significant financial savings to those who manage these buildings long-term.

Building upon the success of our 2022 Masterclass series, we have planned three new in-depth case studies of Large & Complex projects underway around the UK.



Battersea Case Study
Wednesday 05 April 2023

Urbanest Battersea Park Project

Wednesday 06 September 2023

Case Study tbc

Wednesday 06 December 2023

Case Study tbc

NB: Programme subject to change


  • The series of 3 afternoon sessions take place across 2023.

  • Each Masterclass lecture will be delivered live online via zoom. The duration of each Masterclass lecture is approximately 2 hours.

  • All Masterclass lectures are recorded and will be available via the Evenbrite online event page a week following each live event. The recordings are accessible to delegates for 12 months.

  • Each Masterclass lecture is estimated to be worth 2 PHI renewal credit points.


Bookings available soon.

Further Information

Passivhaus: the route to zero carbon?

Passivhaus High-Rise


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