Passivhaus Affiliate

UK Passivhaus Conference 2023

Date: 16 - 17 October 2023 Time: Two consecutive days
Location: Edinburgh + online Cost: PHT member: £40-110+VAT, Non members: £60-120+VAT

UK Passivhaus Conference 2023

16 - 17 October 2023   I   Edinburgh & online   I   #UKPHC23

The 2023 UK Passivhaus Conference will be a hybrid event (in-person in Edinburgh and online) on 16 & 17 October at The University of Edinburgh.  Over two days we will be exploring the adaptability of Passivhaus, its implementation and benefits over a diverse range and scale of projects around the UK, and its potential applicability for ALL homes throughout Scotland


Booking open soon



Earn 04 PHI points for the day one masterclassDay one of the 2023 UK Passivhaus Conference will present an informative seminar on Passivhaus educational buildings.  Passivhaus schools are at the forefront of sustainable design, providing exceptional indoor air quality, thermal comfort, and low energy consumption and contributing to the well-being and productivity of students and staff.

We will learn about the key considerations, strategies, and technologies employed in Passivhaus school projects, and examine a real-life case study showcasing a successful Passivhaus school design and its positive impact on the learning experience.


Earn 04 PHI credit points per site visit


Day one also sees us hosting a number of site visits for you to choose from to witness first hand a Passivhaus project in progress.  Please note, due to high demand, it is only possible to book one site visit per delegate.



Earn 08 PHI credit points for conference day two

On day two, the 2023 UK Passivhaus Conference will host an exciting programme of seminars, case studies and technical sessions discussing new Scottish policies and legislation, large and complex Passivhaus construction, Passivhaus best practices and the latest resources availbale for getting your Passivhaus project off the ground - all while connecting with others committed to designing sustainable, energy-efficient buildings! Our sponsors will also showcase their products and services in a vibrant exhibit.



Who should attend?

Whether you are an architect, client, policymaker, or building professional, this conference will provide valuable insights into creating sustainable educational facilities that prioritise student well-being and environmental stewardship. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and network with like-minded professionals in the field of Passivhaus buildings.




Monday 16 October

Tuesday 17 October 

08:45 - 09:30 

Site Visits*

Edinburgh City Council schools tour


Dunfermline Learning Campus

(08:30 - 13:30)

 Registration & Exhibit opens

09:30 - 11:00

Scottish Adoption of Passivhaus:

A Scottish equivalent to Passivhaus

The case for Passivhaus on new build social housing

Passivhaus inspired plans for a local authority estate

Q+A and discussion panel

11:00 - 11.30

 Coffee Break

11:30 - 13:30

Keynote Case Studies:

Large scale social housing

Dunfermline Learning Campus

Steps towards EnerPHit in a whole estate retrofit strategy

13:30 - 14:00

Event Registration

Lunch + Networking

14:00 - 15:15

Masterclass: Education Buildings


Site Visit*

Midlothain Housing

(14:00 - 18:00)

How to deliver Passivhaus: practical experience:

Design + delivery of large-scale residential projects

Planning, QA + training for on-site Passivhaus delivery

High-rise Passivhaus inspired retrofit for River Clyde Homes

15:15 - 15:30

Coffee Break

Coffee Break (15:15 - 15:45)

15:30 - 17:30

Detailed Case Study: Education Buildings

Delivering Passivhaus at scale throughout Scotland:

Standards, tools + costs

Passivhaus training: the scaling-up challenge

Ensuring performance: design + on-site QA

Certification & the Section 6 approach

Scaling up the supply chain

17:30 - 18:00



Can we deliver Passivhaus equivalent for all new buildings in Scotland?



Drinks + Networking (18:00 - 19:30) 


Conference Dinner**

NB - Programme subject to changes. 

* Site visits are additional activities available to in-person delegates only, for a small supplementary fee: PHT members £30+VAT, Non-members £40+VAT..

** Conference Dinner: Limited spaces are available for delegates only. Please note: those attending will be responsible for paying for their own meals & refreshments. Booking opening soon




Monday 16 October


In person


Passivhaus Trust member

£60 +VAT

£40 +VAT

Non member

£80 +VAT

£60 +VAT

Public Sector**

PHT member: £60 +VAT
Non-member: £80 +VAT




Tuesday 17 October


In person


Passivhaus Trust member

£110 +VAT

£80 +VAT

Non member

£160 +VAT

£120 +VAT

Public Sector**




£50 +VAT



** Limited number of complimentary public sector (local authorities and housing associations) tickets available thanks to sponsorship from Airflow.  Please use your work email to book or your ticket may be cancelled.

*** Discounted student and academic tickets are available thanks to sponsorship from Passivhaus Homes.  Please use your college or university email to book or your ticket may be cancelled.



Book now!


We are grateful to our sponsors and are inviting you to visit their webpage by clicking on their logo and also visiting their exhibition stands live at the Passivhaus Conference.

For a full list of sponsors please visit


Further information

UK Passivhaus Conference 2023

UKPHC23: Media Pack





Join the conversation @PassivhausTrust



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